Here is my new Mike Crompton floor standing inkle loom, purchased from Frank Herring & Sons. I included a stool to give an idea of height, and where you sit to weave on a loom like this. It has a screw tensioner and all the pegs are removable, handy for storage and also for changing the loom layout to suit a different warp length.
I know... it would look better with a warp on, and you'd like to see some weaving. I've not had time yet! The weekend has been busy, with a trip out on Saturday to collect a Henning Band Loom that was free to a good home, and Sunday I was recovering as I'm still not back to full strength after my long illness. I hope to get a warp on soon, I'm really looking forward to using this beautiful loom.

Beautiful and very functional.
What a beautiful piece of equipment!
A big plus to these looms is their size. Small enough to be portable or fit into any corner of the house.
I'm sorry to hear you're not yet completely recovered, but glad you are wise enough to rest. Looking forward to that warp!
How can I tell anything about your new yarn toy without a kitty in the photo?
Dot, this is a beautiful little loom, a kind of mini drawloom. I wonder if you could also space the warp in the reed so the weave won't be warp-faced and weave something finer. I'd love to see you weave something on it! Wishing you complete recovery and lots of energy so you can continue with your wonderful weaving experiments and discoveries.
Rascal, I'm hoping Annie will pose with the loom for a photo, but it's difficult as she tends to be either running around, up and down, singing to herself and us, or asleep. I got Phoebe to pose with the little drawloom, she's already marked every bit of it as Hers, don't know why, she ignores all other looms.
My blog is locked and blogger are threatening to delete it, it seems it has been identified as a possible spamming blog. I think that is due to the number of people who have logged on to see my Henning Band Loom.
I have asked for a review, however, blogger may delete everything in 20 days time (20th Oct.?)
Enjoy it while it's here...
Dear Blogger,
Please review your decision and unlock my blog.
I don't know why you have locked it, maybe because I normally get about 50 views per day average, but have got around 140 per day since writing about the Henning Band Loom?
Thank you for reading this,
Your inkle floor loom is gorgeous! I'm envious that you can remove all the pegs and change the configuration. And the wood is beautiful. Can't wait to see it warped.
Let's see - are you still locked out - cause I can see your blog - and am posting a comment...
Hi Sara, thanks for taking a look. I can log in, I can change the layout, but the message says "Your blog is marked as spam" and tells me it's locked.
Oh this looks better, I went to create a new post, and it looks like I can do that now as long as I complete one of those word verifications to prove I'm a real person before I publish the post.
I'll try to create a new post and see what happens ;)
The loom is really cool! Very beautiful!
I hope blogger starts to behave again. There must be some way to get them to review're a real person with a real blog. I wonder why they're confused.
(Actually, I'm reading things through the google reader, so I might be way out of order and this problem might be long since resolved. Hope so!)
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