If you didn't click on the first picture and squint at the text, you'll have missed these words:
A new loom for ribbons and narrow table runners.
The work is EASIER, FASTER and more UNIFORM.
A good method to learn the basics of weaving. It also provides good exercise for stiff wrists and ankles.
It holds steady because you sit on the bench with the weave in front of you.
It gives up to 15 cm (6 inches) weaving width.
The loom is made of birch.
Common two-leaved twill and fancy weaving with date and name.
12 harnesses for fancy weaving.
Separate stretching of the pattern threads.
A UNIQUE feature is that the weaving reed is always perpendicular to the weave.
The Weaving reed has three different partitions, 40, 60, and 80 reed blades per decimetre (per 4 inches).
The maker is Brunne Snikeri, of Villvagen 8, 872 00, Kramfors. (I discovered this is in Sweden).
Here are some bits that came with the loom, spare reeds, lease sticks, a spare toggle, reed sleying hook and a small shuttle.

(But not the tea mug, this being an English home there's always one of those around, this particular one made by British craft potter Mike Dodd.)

Starting at the bench end of the loom, here is the front warp beam, with apron and brake.

This sequence of three pictures shows how the beater works with parallel action to ensure that the reed "is always perpendicular to the weave"

The two shafts are simply two dowels with texsolv heddles that fit into slots in wooden frames.

Looking down the left hand side of the loom, from sitting on the bench, this is one of the treadles. The other is on the right hand side.

In front of the shafts, this frame holds 19 bobbles for drawcords that can be used to lift individual threads.

The main drawloom sits behind the shafts, with 12 frames lifted by 12 bobbles.

At the back of the loom there is a raddle, and a clamp that sits on the warp beam. Below, a cloth beam with apron and brake is the same as at the front of the loom.
Editing to add: in the black and white photo above showing dangling bobbins behind the loom, it looks as if the main warp threads run under this piece of wood and pattern threads over it. What do you think?

On the bench there is some tray space, before and behind the shafts.

It looks fairly good in the photos so far, but the joints that attach the front and back of the loom to the tray sides are damaged and so they can move apart, and there is a lot of sideways movement in the beater, caused by wear.

What happens next with this loom? We take it apart, clean it up, mend the joints, refinish the wood as necessary and renew the drawcords. Wash the old heddles, re-assemble. In the meantime, I'm researching different types of band weaving and thinking about how to weave interesting patterns.
Can anyone tell me anything about this loom, or the bands woven on them? Comments welcome!
Wow, that is a brilliant find Dot. I agree that the extra warps will go over the extra piece of wood at the back while the main warp goes underneath.
It looks like you have the potential to do Opphamta style patterning with the shafts and groups of threads as well as true damask or jacquard even with single units, wonderful find!!
This is so exciting! A baby drawloom! It looks to me like you got a wonderful piece of equipment, even with the worn and damaged bits. I have a Swedish bandweaving book from the early sixties, and the typical swedish band looms are much less fancy.
Wow, it looks complicated and yet so logical! Makes me want to contemplate making a loom of my own!!!
Oh...My....God! I Love it!
What an amazing find. Are you planning a jacquard project? Its simply perfect in its design and the seat bench is fantastic.(be careful of your back & neck when weaving on it)
Superb find, it's one I have never come accross.
I know absolutely nothing about a loom like this but I am definitely wowed. What a find! Thanks for the great photo shots and the details.
Dot, I have met one of these!
A friend had one for a very short time - she never wove on it, so unfortunately I (we) can't advise you. And the company is gone - I tried.
Anyway - good luck!
What an amazing find! I've always wondered what one looked like in real life -- Thanks for providing the pics! How wonderful it must feel to sit and weave on it!
What a lovely addition to your collection of looms! Thanks for all the pictures you have posted and keep us informed how you are getting on with this loom.
I don't understand drawlooms except to know that I'm intrigued by them. Have you looked at Janice Zindel's website? She's putting together a full-sized drawloom. She probably knows of a lot of resources because she's a member of Complex Weavers also.
Your new loom acquisition looks really interesting....like a portable, workshop drawloom even. Now if only you could find a workshop to attend with it!
Looking forward to see what comes off this loom!! Good find!
This is amazing! I've just become taken with small looms and this is a gem!! You can see my fiddling with band/tape/box looms on my blog http://Seabreezespinners.com/
I want YOURS!!!
What fun.
Tropical Twister
AKA Linda Martin
Thought you would enjoy this web page. It shows a book about the Hennings Loom
A twelve frame tape loom? Brilliant!
How is the baby drawloom?I'm still maintaining a love affair from afar with this loom. Please provide update. Thanks
I wish you had a diagram with the measurements of all parts and how to put them together for sale. I would do that if I had one. You would do a great favor for us who loved your loom and want to build one. Also you would make some money. It is unfortunately that they don't make this loom anymore. It is so beautiful.
If you decide to make a diagram for sale. Please let me know. rosevillela@yahoo.com.
I'm definitely interested if you have measured drawings/plans for this loom!
There is a loom at the Hancock Shaker Museum in Pittsfield MA, that looks similar, but with no seat.
I have just acquired one of these looms at a local auction and so found your article very helpful. I am looking forward to working with it. Stephanie. Designer Weaving Company.
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