In alphabetical order:
Baltic - Style Patterns on the Inkle Loom, Anne Dixon, pub. by Anne Dixon, 1995, ISBN 1-899972-09-9
and by the same author / publisher:
Inkle Loom Weaving - the Basics and Design, ISBN 1-899972-08-0
Lettering on the Inkle Loom, ISBN 1-899972-00-5
Very good and inexpensive instruction books.
Bandweben, M.G. van der Schaaf-Broeze, pub. in German in 1976 by Hornemann Verlag, ISBN 3-87-384-201-7.
Lots of band patterns that you can read without knowing much more than names of colours.
Byways in Handweaving, Mary Meigs Atwater, first published Macmillan Company, New York, 1954 (other editions since, still in print).
Card weaving, inkles and the inkle loom, twined weaving, brading and knotting, plaiting, beltweaves, and in Miscellaneous "Scandinavian warp-faced weave".
Inkle Weaving, Lavinia Bradley, pub. in 1982 by Routledge Kegan and Paul Ltd., ISBN 0-415-05091-X
Excellent book on inkle weaving, possibly the best, and includes a chapter on pick-up designs, also lettering and Bolivian Pebble Weave
Ostpreußische Jostenbänder, Irene Burchert, pub. 2007, Husum Druck und Verlagsgellschaft, ISBN 978-3-89876-364-6
Specifically written to record and preserve the patterns and techniques of the narrow pick-up patterned Jostenbands woven in East Prussia, used as skirt and apron ties, an inexpensive and useful book, although written in German (I bought from
Weaving Bands, Liv Trotzig and Astrid Axelsson, pub. in English by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1974, ISBN 0-442-30032-8 (hardcover) and 0-442-30033-6 (paperback), first published in Swedish with the title "Band", by ICA Forlaget, 1972.
Includes: plain bands, patterned bands using pick-up, tablet woven bands, plaited bands, pillow bands, and over 40 pages of patterns.
Colour theory
In one post Colours - theory and practice:
Colour Matching on Textiles: a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers, and textile colour chemists, by David Paterson, published by Scott, Greenwood & Co., London, 1901,
Colour in Woven Design: being a treatise on the science and technology of textile colouring, by Roberts Beaumont, published by Whittaker & Co. of London and New York in 1912.
Principles of the Harmony and Contrast of Colours and Their Application to the Arts, M.E. Chevreul, 2nd edition pub. 1855, Longman & Brown.
William Watson, in Textile Design and Colour, pub. Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd, my 6th edition dated 1954.
The Elements of Color, edited and with a forword and evaluation by Faber Birren, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1970.
Interaction of Color, by Josef Albers, published by Yale University Press, 1963
Dyeing to Knit, by Elaine Eskesen, published by Down East Books, 2005, ISBN 0-89272-667-9 and ISBN 978-089272-667
Eye for Colour, Bernat Klein, 1965
Design - general principles
all in the same post (click here):
Creating Sketchbooks for Embroiders and Textile Artists, by Kay Greenlees, pub. Batsford, 2005, ISBN 0-7134-8957-X
Sketching Made Easy: a complete beginners guide, by Helen Douglas-Cooper, pub. Paragon Book Service Ltd, Great Britain, 1995, ISBN 0-7525-1092-4
Design in Embroidery, by Kathleen Whyte, B.T. Batsford Limited, Great Britain, 1969, ISBN 7134 2633 0
Ideas for Machine Embroidery, by Enid Mason, Mills & Boon, Great Britain, 1961,
designs for machine embroidery, by Ira Lillow, B T Batsford Ltd. Great Britain, 1975, ISBN 0 7134 3023 0
Dyeing books
A Dyers Manual, Jill Goodwin,2nd edition Ashmans Publications 2003, ISBN 0-9544401-0-2, second review
Dyemaking with Eucalypts by Jean K. Carmen, published 1978 by Rigby Ltd
The Craft of Natural Dyeing, by Jenny Dean
Dye Plants and Dyeing, by John & Margaret Cannon, published by A&C Black in association with the The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2003 edition, ISBN 9780713663747, £14.99.
A Dyer's Garden, from plant to pot - growing dyes for natural fibres. By Rita Buchanan, pub. Interweave Press, ISBN 1-883010-07-1, £9.99
Three booklets all reviewed together:
Natural Plant Dyeing, A Handbook, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record Plants & Gardens Vol. 29, No.2, 1973
Dye Plants and Dyeing - a handbook, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record Plants & Gardens Vol. 20, No.3, 1964.
Journal of the Chicago Horticultural Society, Vol. III, no.1, Winter 1976.
Reviewed together:
A Dyer's Garden, subtitle "from plant to pot - growing dyes for natural fibres", by Rita Buchanan, Interweave Press, 1995, ISBN 1-883010.
A Weavers Garden, by Rita Buchanan, in the Dover republication of 1999, ISBN 0-486-40712-8.
Knitting books
Knitting - Your own designs for a perfect fit,Montse Stanley, published by David & Charles, England, 1982, ISBN 0-7153 8227 6.
A Fine Fleece: knitting with handspun yarns, by Lisa published by Potter Craft in the U.S., 2008, ISBN 978-0-307-3334683-4.
Knitting in the Old Way: Designs and Techniques from Ethnic Sweaters by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts and Deborah Robson, pub. Nomad Press, 2004, ISBN 1-800-462-6420.
Cool Socks Warm Feet, Lucy Neatby, Tradewind Knitwear Designs, ISBN 0-9733940-0-05.
Dyeing to Knit, by Elaine Eskesen, published by Down East Books, 2005, ISBN 0-89272-667-9 and ISBN 978-089272-667
The Essential Guide to Color Knitting Techniques, by Margaret Radcliffe, pub. Storey Publishing in the U.S., 2008, ISBN 978-1-60342-040-2
Metric Pattern Cutting, Winifred Aldrich, 3rd edition, Blackwell Science 1997, ISBN 0-632-03612-5
Couture Sewing Techniques, by Claire B. Schaeffer, published by The Taunton Press, US, 2007, ISBN 978-156158-497-0.
Cut my Cote,by Dorothy K. Burham, pub. Royal Ontario Museum, 1997, ISBN 0-88854-046-9.
Handwoven, Tailormade, Sharon Alderman & Kathryn Wertenberger, pub. Interweave Press, 1982, ISBN 0-934025-08-4)
Woven Chic, Vivienne Bateson, , published by Bell & Hyman Ltd., London, 1984 ISBN 0-7135-1459-0 (also published in France by Dessain Et Toira, Paris, under the title Vetements Tisses).
Spinning books
A Handspinner's Workbook, Mabel Ross, first reference,
second reference (includes Essentials of Handspining, Essentials of Yarn Design, and Handspinner's Encyclopedia).
Spinning wheel types and history, all together in one post the following books:
Spinning Wheels and Accessories, David A. Pennington and Michael B. Taylor, published 2004 by Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
Spinning Wheels: Spinners and Spinning by Patricia Baines, published by Batsford, first in 1977, reprinted 1979
Spinning and Spinning Wheels by Eliza Leadbeater is a booklet from Shire Publications Ltd.,1979
Spinning Wheels (The John Horner Collection) complied by G.B. Thompson, Director, Ulster Folk Museum, published first in 1964 and re-printed several times
Ciba Review of 1939, "The Spinning Wheel"
Spinning and weaving with Wool, by Paula Simmons, first printed in 1977, my book is the 4th re-print from 1982
Weaving - design
Designing Woven Fabrics, Janet Philips, published by Natural Time Out Publications, 2008, ISBN 978-0-9957620-0-0.
The Weaver's Book of Fabric Design, Janet Philips, published by Batsford, 1983.
Ideas in Weaving, Ann Sutton & Diane Sheehan, published by Batsford, London, 1989, ISBN 0-7134-6151-9.
Color and Weave Design - A Practical Reference Book, Ann Sutton, published by Lark Books, 1984, ISBN 0-937274-11-9
Eye for Colour, Bernat Klein, 1965.
Textile Design and Colour, William Watson , first published in 1912 (I have a 6th edition copy, from 1954).
Designing on the Loom, Mary Kirby, The Studio Publications, London & New York, 1955.
Exploring Multishaft Design, Bonnie Innouye, Weavingdance Press, ISBN 0-9678489-0-3.
Weaving as an Art Form, a personal statement, Theo Moorman, published Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1975,
Theo Moorman 1907-1990: her life and work as an artist weaver, edited by Hilary Diaper, published University Gallery Leeds 1992, ISBN 1 874331 01 4 (hardback) and 1 874331 002 2 (softback).
Weaving - general / historical / different traditions
A Textile Terminology, by Dorothy K. Burnham, published in G.B. by Routledge Kegan & Paul Ltd, 1981, ISBN 0-7100-0955-0 (first published in Canada by The Royal Ontario Museum, 1981).
The Craft of the Weaver, Ann Sutton, Peter Collingwood, and Geraldine St Aubyn Hubbard, published by British Broadcasting Corporation, 1982 (published to accompany a series of T.V. programmes).
Hand-weaving To-day, Traditions and Changes, Ethel Mairet, first published Faber & Faber 1939, my copy is the 4th edition, from 1959.
A Weaver's Life: Ethel Mairet 1872-1952, Margot Coatts, published by the Crafts Council, 1983, ISBN 0 903798 70 0.
Theo Moorman 1907-1990: her life and work as an artist weaver, edited by Hilary Diaper, published University Gallery Leeds 1992, ISBN 1 874331 01 4 (hardback) and 1 874331 002 2 (softback).
Textiles of Central and South America, by Angela Thompson. Published by: The Crowood Press Limited, England, 2006. ISBN 1 86126 826 2, £25.
African Textiles, John Picton and John Mack, published 1989 by The Trustees of the British Museum, ISBN 0-7141-1595-9
The Art of the Loom, Ann Hecht, published 1989, British Museum, ISBN 0-7141-1592-4).
Fine-Art Weaving, by Irene Waller, published by Batsford, 1979, ISBN 0 7134 0412 4

Weaving - structures, drafting
Weave Structures the Swedish Way - volume 1, by Ulla Getzmann, translated by Becky Ashenden, published by Vav Stuga Press, 2006. (No ISBN, sold in UK by Fibrecrafts £25.20, in US by Vavstuga.)
Collapse Weave: creating three-dimensional cloth, by Anne Field, pub A & C Black, London, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4081-0628-0, £19.99.
The Handweaver's Pattern Book, Anne Dixon, published by A&C Black, London, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7136-8411-7 (In the U.S., this was published as "The Handweaver's Pattern Directory".)
Fabrics that Go Bump, one of the "Best of Weaver's" (magazine) series from XRX Books, edited by Madelyn van der Hoogt, pub. 2002, ISBN 1-893762-11-4.
The Best of Weavers - Twill Thrills, ed. Madelyn van der Hoogt, pub. XRX Books, 2004, ISBN-10: 189376219X, ISBN-13: 978-1893762190.
The Complete Book of Drafting for Handweavers, by Madelyn van der Hoogt, published by Unicorn Books and Crafts Inc., 1993, ISBN 0-916658-51-1.
Handweaving and Cloth Design, by Marianne Straub, published in G.B. by Pelham Books Ltd., 1977, ISBN 0-7207-0968-7.
Eight Shafts a Place to Begin, by Wanda Jean Shelp and Carolyn Wostenberg,
A Weaver's Book of 8 Shaft's Patterns edited by Carol Strickler,
Grammar of Textile Design, Harry Nisbet, (Published 1906, my copy cost me £40)
Advanced Textile Design William Watson,(first published 1912, several re-prints)
Weaving - Tapestry
Flamskvavnad: Flemish Weaving, Ica-Forglaget, Kandby & Lundgrens Boktryckeri, 1961.
The New American Tapestry, Ruth Kaufman, Reinhold Book Corporation, 1968.
Weaving - technique, patterns
The Big Book of Weaving, by Laila Lundell & Elizabeth Windesjo, published by Collins and Brown, in the UK in 2008 (an English translation of a Swedish book published in 2005). ISBN 978-1-84340-456-9, £16.99.
Three books by Peggy Osterkamp:
Book 1: Winding a Warp and Using a Paddle,
Book 2: Warping Your Loom and Tying on New Warps,
Book 3: Weaving and Drafting Your Own Cloth
Handloom Weaving Technology by Allen Fannin, pub. 1979, by Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York

Yarn / fibres - General
Handbook of Textile Fibres, by J Gordon Cook B.Sc.,Ph.D., published by Merrow Publishing Co. Ltd, first published 1959, 2nd ed. 1960.
From Fibres to Fabrics, Elizabeth Gale, Mills & Boon Ltd., London, 1978 edition.
The Yarn Handbook by Penny Walsh, published by A & C Black, 2006, ISBN-10: 0-7136-6995-1, ISBN-13: 978-07136-6955-8 (£14.99).
Yarn / fibres - Silk
A Silk Worker's Notebook, by Cheryl Kolander, pub. Interweave Press 1979, revised edition 1985, ISBN 0-934026-18-1.
Silk, Luther Hooper, Pitman's Common Commodities and Industries Series (1930's? no date given)
Global Silk Industry: A complete source book, by Rajat K Datta and Mahesh Nanavaty, published by Universal Publishers, USA, 2005, ISBN 1-58112-493.
East Cheshire Textile Mills, published in 1993 by the Royal Commission on The Historic Monuments of England.