I had an e-mail last week from a weaving friend asking where I had written about lashing-on. I couldn't find it myself straight off, in fact I had to use Google to find an entry in my own blog!
So now, for my own use and for the benefit of anyone else who can't find old entries, I have made a page to index my blogs about loom set up and weaving. See top left.
Yes, I've done a couple of other pages with links as well, UK weaving blogs and the web pages of professional handweavers in the UK.
I've also been writing a few book reviews for Amazon and joined Ravelry (Dot-knits).
But no weaving...
Why? I've got 'flu. Don't tell me swine flu is contained, I don't believe it!!
This one is more persistent than severe, but bad enough to stop me doing much - it's very limiting if you can't get your brain to concentrate on anything for more than 10 mins before needing to rest - but on the other hand it's surprising what you can do with odd ten minutes here and there.
I've found I can do a bit of long draw spinning, a bit of patchwork sewing (a quilt entirely handsewn that I started 8 years ago, maybe I'll finish it this year) a bit of reading, and hunting out and ordering some more books(!). This little stint has tired me out again, excuse me while a shut my eyes a bit.
Z z z z
9 hours ago